the importance of Asmaul Husna

at this article I will study about the importance of Asmaul Husna in our life. all believer islam in this world surely knows what is the meaning Asmaul husna. yes, Asmaul Husna is good names owned by God. Asmaul Husna amounts to 99.

we are as Islam believer is obliged to know Asmaul Husna. even expected to memorize it. but quite a few Islam believer that is is not knows this thing. there even exist which tau do not want to. I very concerned with this situation.

why disappointed me. I am disappointed because some of good names of that given to itself man. why God exhales some of its the names for us ? because so loving God is us. astuteness or intellegence which man had to be useless otherwise constituted by meaning Asmaul Husna. When we find difficulties we has just will realize it. but scorpion we get happiness which actually in given by God, we instead doesn't remember it.

I very disappointed this reality would. Its the guarantee is Paradise for memorizing Asmaul Husna. You wish to enter heaven isn't it ?

besides salat which diligent of we also need to comprehend meaning in Asmaul Husna. with this article I hope you is more comprehendingly meaning of Asmaul Husna itself. because Asmaul Husna of vital importance for human life. I am fear to God karma now starts emerging. I always prays so that all Islam believer especially I considering to God and obviated from all disasters which will befall.